Divine Williams | Mr.2EZ


I am a 21 year old certified personal trainer & entrepreneur! I have been training since I was 15 and personally training since I was 18! In my younger life I was a basketball, football and track athlete and had the chance to play division 1 basketball but due to an injury that vanished. I did stick around and help with team things but I wasn't healthy and it stuck me mentally! That is when I decided to find a new love named Fitness! I needed something to keep me strong, able and active plus I wanted to feel better and be more confident and fitness provided me with this! I was so used to being called fat or ugly or whatever it drained me but fitness changed my life for the better! I loved myself, stopped caring what others thought and felt about me and most importantly I was CONFIDENT!! Going through these traumas as an athlete and a person it sucked and at times I wanted to quit and give in but NO!! I want to show you that anything is possible. That I have your back no matter what and I am here to help you conquer your fitness goals and mindset! Over a 2ezfitness we are winners and that's that! Lets work and on to new beginnings!

Divine Williams | Mr.2EZ